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Старый 21.08.2023, 17:18:22   #391
По умолчанию Re: Информационные бюллетени почтовых администраций мира

The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin № 24 доступен для свободного скачивания:


Contents include:
The Wing of Islam: Umayyad, Abbasid, and Mamluk Posts; Mr. Scudamore’s
Appointment; The 1882 Anglo-Egyptian War and the Sea Post Office;
Foreign Post Office Letters for Inland Destinations; ROPiT Jerusalem
; Railway Mail Services in Ottoman Europe (III); Ottoman Military
Mail & Censorship; IRCs of Iran, Taxed Mail of the Gaza Strip; Syria
Martyrs Stamps; İstanbul Mosques on Ottoman Postcards; plus Book Reviews.

Reactions, Comments, Queries Section:
Asaf Tanrıkut; Kuwait–Iran Postal War; Disruption of Airmail Services to
Iraq and Iran 1980; Arab-Israeli Clandestine Mail; RECP postcard
exchange clubs; Syrian ADPO ZO Revenue Stamps; Dubai 1968 Butterflies;
Arab postage stamps with maps of Palestine.

Archive Section:
Postal Conditions in Turkey (1875); The Turkish Posts (1875).
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Старый 02.01.2024, 10:52:48   #392
По умолчанию Re: Информационные бюллетени почтовых администраций мира

The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin № 25 доступен для свободного скачивания:


Contents include:
Plate Errors of the Empire Stamps (I); Duloz 1876: Proofs and Trials;
Quarantine at Brindisi in 1882; Postal Conventions between Ottoman
Turkey and Persia (1884, 1892); New Postmark Discoveries Cisr-i Mustafa
Paşa–Dersaʿadet (Svilengrad–İstanbul) Railway; Railway Mail Service in
Ottoman Europe (IV): The Palekura Opium Plantation; Bisecting Austrian
Levant Stamps in Caifa 1908; The Dolmabahçe Imperial Palace Post Office:
Saray-ı Hümayun – Palais Impérial; Palestine Post Office Postal
Stationery Wrappers; Walter Mittelholzer’s Balkan Flight 1934; Palestine
Mandate: Rare Destinations (I); Book Review: Iraqi Occupation of Kuwait
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Старый 14.04.2024, 17:28:27   #393
По умолчанию Re: Информационные бюллетени почтовых администраций мира

The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin № 26 доступен для свободного скачивания:


Contents include:
Ottoman Postcards: The Beyazıt Fire-Watch Tower;
Empire Plate Errors II;
The 25 Piastres Changeling (1876 Empire);
The Blockage in the Suez Canal in June 1885;
Local Mail in İstanbul: Lianos & Cie.;
Postal Newspaper Wrappers Takvīm-i Vakāyi;
Slate Mining in Veniziani-Gradsko;
The Thessalian Railways;
Holy Land Souvenir Covers;
Haifa Telegraph Cancels;
Overland Mail Haifa–Baghdad: Earliest Covers;
Palestine Mandate Rare Destinations;
The Jordanian Postmarks of Oil Pumping Stations H4 and H5;
Coil Stamps of Transjordan;
Iran: Tawafan Al-Aqsa Stamps;
Book Reviews:
Microhistory of the Turkish Posts;
Mail in the Levant;
Postal Stationery of Iraq.
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Старый 12.08.2024, 18:28:28   #394
По умолчанию Re: Информационные бюллетени почтовых администраций мира

The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin № 27 доступен для свободного скачивания:



Are 15th Century Venetian Letters Really from Ashkelon? (by Yehuda Kleiner)
Plate Errors of the Empire Stamps – Passer Revised : Part 3: The 50 Paras Stamps (by Hans Paul Soetens)
Specialities of Ottoman Philately (IV) : The 25 Piastres Stamps (Duloz and Empire) on Cover (by Hans-Dieter Gröger)
The Egyptian Post Office in Jeddah 1865–1881 (by Tarik Alireza)
The Genesis of the First Iranian Stamps: New Discoveries (by Mehrdad Sadri)
Local Mail in İstanbul (II): Şehir Postası – The State-Run City Post (by Hofrat. Ing. Hubert Gerzabek)
Turkey 1892: Coat-of-Arms Printed Matter (Matbuʿa) – Some Notes on their Occurrence and Valuation (by Otto Graf (AIJP))
İstanbul Views on Ottoman Postcards – Part 2: Ministry of War (by Hakan Yılmaz (edited by Tobias Zywietz))
A 1907 Taxed Letter from Trebizonde to Constantinople: A Glimpse of the ‘Postal War’ within the Ottoman Empire (by Alexios Papadopoulos)
Ottoman Postmarks Used in Transjordan until the End of the Ottoman Empire in 1918 (by Bernd-Dieter Buscke (AIJP))
The Early Syrian Revenue Stamps (by Maen Neama)
Overprinted Private Postal Wrappers of the Middle Eastern Region (by Dr. John K. Courtis (FRPSL))
British Vital Correspondence from the South of Iran during World War II (by Hoseinali Tahvildari)
Postage Due Covers of (Trans)Jordan (by Avo Kaplanian)
A Long Time Coming: The Diplomatic Struggle for Muscat and Oman’s First Stamp Issue (by Calvin H. Allen, Jr.)
Kuwait: ‘REJECTED’ in lieu of ‘REGISTERED’ (by Dr. Mashael Alhajeri)
Moorer’s Interactive Philatelic Index (by Peter Moorer)
Book Review: Syrian Fiscal Stamps (Omar Tabakh) (reviewed by Tobias Zywietz)
Reactions, Comments, Queries Section:
Asaf Tanrıkut: Türkiye Posta ve Telgraf ve Telefon tarihi ve teşkilât ve mevzuatı (Tobias Zywietz)
Iraqi Postal History: Who was Dr. Markus Feiner? (Rainer Fuchs (FRPSL, AIJP))
RFI on Ottoman TPOs: Mitrovitza–Üsküb and vice versa (Folkert Bruining)
New Discovery: Latest Reuse of a British Mandate Postmark in Jordanian-occupied Palestine (Bernd-Dieter Buscke (AIJP))
Turkey 1938 Obligatory Tax Stamps “P.Y.S” (Posta Yardım Sandığı): Where did the Revenues go to? (Hakan Yılmaz)
The Joint Telegraph Office at Pera (Ottoman Posts/Eastern Telegraph Co.) (Hakan Yılmaz)
EFIRO 2024: Specialised World Exhibition Bucharest (Tobias Zywietz)
RFI: British Packet Agencies and Post Offices in the Ottoman Empire (Semaan Bassil)
Syrian Charity Stamps: Anti-Tuberculosis (Comité Syrien Anti Tuberculose) (Oscar van der Vliet)
Two Academic Articles: Visualizing Palestine in Arab Postage Stamps and Jordanian stamps of Islamic Holy sites in Jerusalem (Michael Sharnoff)
Archive Section
Archival Resources on the British Post Offices in the Persian Gulf Region Part II: British National Archives (by Calvin H. Allen, Jr.)
The Austrian Post Offices in Turkey (by Alexander Eberan v. Eberhorst)
Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
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Старый 24.12.2024, 10:22:53   #395
По умолчанию Re: Информационные бюллетени почтовых администраций мира

The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin № 28 доступен для свободного скачивания:



17th Century Acre Letters in the Livorno Archive (Yehuda Kleiner (FRPSL))
Pre-Modern Postal History of Libya (Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi & Piero Macrelli)
Plate Errors of the Empire Stamps – Passer Revised Part 4: The 20 Paras Stamps (Hans Paul Soetens)
The Indian Sea Post Office: The MALDIRIGÈ Mark and Missent Slip (Bo Andersson)
MALDIRIGÉ – A new Mark from the Aden–Bombay Sea Post Office (Bo Andersson)
Misdirected to the Aden-Bombay Sea Post Office: Registered Letter from South Africa to Japan in 1898 (Bo Andersson)
İstanbul Views on Postcards – Part 3: The German Fountain – Alman Çeşmesi (Hakan Yılmaz)
Ottoman Revenue Stamps: Imperforate Proofs Album (Tobias Zywietz)
TPO İstanbul–Çekmece (Küçükçekmece)? … and a Lesson on Reading Ottoman Postmarks (Folkert Bruining and Tobias Zywietz)
A 1922 Cover: Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi) (Volker Fredebold)
The Introduction of International Reply Coupons in Persia in 1926 (Parviz Sahandi and Wolfgang Leimenstoll)
The Development of the Postal Services in Sharjah (I): Sharjah Residents’ Mail via Dubai Post Office, 1914–1963 (Khalid Al-Omaira)
The Payas Post: Postal War About Hatay 1938/1939 (Mehmet Akan)
Hotel Post in Jordan (Bernd-Dieter Buscke (AIJP))
The Jordan Vending Machine Stamp Booklet (Avo Kaplanian)
The Iraqi Occupation of Kuwait: A Postal History Dateline (Dr. Mashael Alhajeri)
Book Review: Impact of Political Events on the Postal History of Persia (Fariborz Goodarzi) (Tobias Zywietz)
Book Review: The Ottoman Empire and Early Republic Post Offices in the Vilayet Trabzon (Kemal Giray) (Tobias Zywietz)
Book Review: Timbres Fiscaux des Colonies Françaises: Moyen Orient (Henri Barbero, Irène Daniel, Guy Venot) (Tobias Zywietz)
Postal Rates of the Republic of Turkey 1920–1950 (Mehmet Akan, Selçuk Akar, Tuthan Turgut and Emre Utku)
Reactions, Comments, Queries Section:
Postmark Ministère de la Guerre (Harbiye Nezâreti) (Hakan Yılmaz)
Research Request: Postmarks of the Palestinian Post 1995–2024 (Thomas Schubert)
Academic Article: “The Hashemite Regime on Jordanian Postage Stamps: A Visual History of Nation-Building” (Michael Sharnoff)
Egypt: Postmaster-General Annual Reports 1877–1909 (Tobias Zywietz)
BALKANPHILA XX Exhibition, Thessaloniki 2024 (Tobias Zywietz)
Arab Palestine Organisation Propaganda Folder (Dr. John K. Courtis (FRPSL))
Digital Resources: “Reference Manual of Saudi Arabian Forgeries 2024” (Part 1: Postage and Revenue Stamps) (Tobias Zywietz)
Update on Moorer’s Interactive Philatelic Index and the Zotero Philatelic Repository (Peter Moorer)
Iraq Definitives 1941/1947 10 Fils Carmine-Rose: Correction of Date of Issue (Richard Rose)
Aleppo 1919: Military Censorship (Peter Gassmann)
Handbook Section
The Revenue Stamps of Crete – Part B: The Occupation Period and Provisionals 1898–1900 (Oscar van der Vliet)
Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)
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